Archives for recipe

Raw Foods Class Part 1

My Whole Foods Cooking Class is complete, and right away the following Monday I started my Raw Foods class! THIS is the class I’ve been looking forward to since I signed up in Nov. 2013 for my Holistic Nutrition certificate. There were two recommended books for this class, so I bought them both from Amazon and they arrived by Wednesday and Thursday of last week. I started reading “Becoming Raw” first, and I’m already in love! If you want to incorporate more raw foods into your diet, learn about the benefits of raw foods, and get some great recipes to get you going… THIS is the book for you! I can’t wait to continue reading!


When the “Going Raw” book arrived, I flipped through all the pages and drooled over the amazing recipes – EVERYTHING looked and sounded SO GOOD. The food styling is incredible, which helps! The next month is a BUSY one in the Zucchini Runner house, so I’m not sure how many I’ll get to try, but I’m excited for when I do!

In the meantime, I want to share the first new, raw recipe I tried last week as part of my homework for my raw foods class. It was Cauliflower Tabbouleh and I can’t wait to tell you about this haha. I found the recipe in my email Inbox, sent to me by My Fitness Pal; before I got the cookbooks in the mail. So, I already had all the ingredients and didn’t want to change it up last minute or potentially waste anything.

This recipe was prepared almost exactly as the original – the biggest change was leaving out the kalamata olives. I DID find raw olives at Whole Foods, but they were $8.50 for a small jar. Now, I don’t know about you, but the tabbouleh I’ve always had, never had olives! So I felt perfectly fine leaving them out. 🙂


Here is a link to the full recipe if you are interested.

Here is my version:

Combine in a food processor for cauliflower mixture
1 med. head of cauliflower (I’d say approximately 6 cups or less. The goal is to create cauliflower rice, so you may have to process this in batches like I did, depending on the size of your food processor. Just wait until the last batch to add the below 3 ingredients. See slideshow below.)
1 c. fresh parsley
½ c. packed fresh mint leaves
3 green onions, coarsely sliced to fit into the processor

Dressing – combine in a small bowl and whisk together
3 small cloves of garlic, pressed
¼ c. fresh lemon juice
1 tsp. apple cider vinegar
3 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
1/8 tsp. freshly grated turmeric
½ tsp. pink Himalayan salt
¼ tsp. black pepper

Stir into cauliflower mixture, along with prepared dressing
1 c. tomatoes, diced (may want to add more…)
1 c. cucumber, peeled and chopped (may want to add more…)

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At first taste, I really liked the flavor and actually liked it better than traditional tabbouleh. I ate a heaping serving of it a few hours before my night trail race Saturday… which I thought might not be a great idea… but I went with it and I was ok. 🙂 I thought it would be refreshing AFTER the race too. (Well, as it turned out, I ate a bunch of junk from the after race food bar and wasn’t hungry when I got home.)

BUT yesterday morning when I woke up, I had a big bowl, topped with some almonds. This is where it gets interesting. When I walked into the kitchen, it smelled like rotting veggies. I opened the fridge and WHAM it was WAY worse. Cauliflower. Why does something that tastes so good, and is so good for you, smell SO BAD? 😐 It was pretty awful, but luckily I was familiar with the smell, and knew it wasn’t actually rotten. (I had to convince Mr. Zucchini Runner otherwise, later in the day.) But he had the same realization I did… ‘it smells so bad, but still tastes so great!’ haha I think cauliflower is the only veg that can get away with that… and maybe broccoli. 😉


As I said above, I would have preferred more tomato and cucumber and less cauliflower, but it was still really good. I thought this recipe would be really easy to make too, but the cauliflower kept getting stuck in the food processor – so definitely cut the chunks smaller than you think you should. (Unless of course you have a super awesome food processor. I think mine is pretty basic and small, so that could have been the source of my frustration.) I also thinking mixing up the dressing ingredients ahead of time in a bowl would have made the instructions for the original recipe flow better.

All in all, I’m happy with my first raw foods recipe!

Our teacher also challenged us to start a food journal, which would track how you felt before, during and after you eat each meal. I haven’t been that diligent yet, but I HAVE tried to pay more attention to what I eat and when. For instance, we have those Late July chips that are a staple in our pantry. I always seem to scarf them down mindlessly, and then catch myself halfway through thinking, “Why am I eating these… do I really like them…?” And then I keep EATING THEM.


So this week, I’ve tried to only eat them with salsa, or homemade guacamole and limit how many I eat.

I’ve also tried to pay attention to the emotions I’m feeling when I choose to eat a certain food. I think I will need to write those down, in order to see a pattern. It’s all about slow and moderate change for me! Have you ever kept a food journal? Did you find it helpful or eye opening?

Will you join me this week and try to incorporate more raw foods – specifically fresh organic produce – into your diet? In an attempt to be more consistent with juicing, we borrowed a juicer from a friend of ours. We have a centrifugal juicer, which produces juice quickly but also adds some heat to the juice and should be consumed within 20 minutes to avoid nutrient loss. The juicer we are borrowing is a masticating juicer, which is suppose to retain more of the nutrients of the fruits and veggies, can last up to 3 days AND can also do greens! Our current juicer, doesn’t do greens. 🙁

Pretty colors!


Look at all that chlorophyll! Before you curl your lip and judge… keep reading… 🙂


Did you know that chlorophyll is called the “green blood” for plants since it is so similar in structure to human hemoglobin? The only difference is the center atom of each; chlorophyll has magnesium at the center and hemoglobin has iron at the center. So it shouldn’t come as a surprise that chlorophyll provides our bodies incredible health benefits. Top of the list are blood cleanser, blood builder, and an alkaline and oxygen booster. Disease-promoting bacteria cannot live in the presence of oxygen or an alkaline environment. So the more chlorophyll we consume, the higher our bodies’ alkalinity and therefore immunity. Sorry, I had to share that fun fact!! Once I stirred it all up, it was a beautiful purple!


BONUS: This morning I made an ALL GREEN JUICE. To my surprise, it tasted GREAT!


I even drank 1/4 of it before I could photograph it!


Happy (hopeful) raw adventures to you!

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Burgers and a Race Recap

I knew once Christmas hit that I wasn’t going to beat any PR’s at the Jan. 19th PF Chang’s Rock n Roll Half Marathon.  About a week before the race, I wasn’t entirely sure I would even be able to run it. Given all of this, I was happy and content with my finishing time of 1:46:22. Not my personal best by a long shot, but I wasn’t out there racing, I was just running with 13,489 other people; and I was OK with that. It was the first race I wasn’t overly amped up for, which was a nice change. It allowed me to experience race day in a whole new light. I could eat my breakfast just fine – without feeling like I was choking it down due to a stomach tied in knots. I drove myself to the race, allowing Mr. Zucchini Runner to sleep in and have a relaxing Sunday. However, he did miss this awesome sunrise… 🙂


When I chose to focus my energy towards strength training at the end of December, I had hoped I would still be able to run the same and get yet another PR in Jan. Well, as we all know, you can’t add something to your life without having to take something out, or at the very least, make a compromise. Within days of starting my new routine, I knew running would fall to the wayside. And surprisingly – for the first time since getting serious about running – I was OK with that too. When I thought about the why behind that, I realized it was because I had exceeded both of my running goals in 2013. In March, I set out to merely finish my 3rd full marathon – with the secret hopes of beating the 4:00 barrier. I surpassed this when I finished in 3:48:52. In November, I set a crazy goal for myself of finishing a half in 1:40 and then ended up finishing in 1:39:04; not to mention getting 3rd in my age group out of 424 competitors! That may not sound like much to some, but to me, I was on cloud 9. I still can’t believe I surpassed my crazy goal.

Focusing on strength training, seemed like the right move for me – I was ready to give 100% to those workouts and only 70% to running.

Now, back to race day. I was placed in corral 1 due to the completion time I put down when I registered. Planning to start at the back of that pack, I wasn’t too concerned about missing the race start, since it was chip timed – when I cross the timing mat my race time starts. I was running to the start as my warm-up and on the lookout for a short port-a-potty line, which is about as rare as an unmelted ice cube in an AZ summer. Reaching corral 16, I heard the race start horn sound and knew I was now going to be in corral 2 – and I was ok with that. 🙂 I got into place, with plenty of time to spare and was still hoping against hope that a port-o-potty would be close to my corral. NO luck. But I did get this cool pic of the dragon. 🙂image_1


Soon after, corral 2 was released and my race had begun! I wasn’t sure how to run this, since I wasn’t really racing. So I just tried to maintain a breathing pattern that was relaxed, while keeping my eye out for a restroom. 🙂 I found a vacant one by mile 2 and was ecstatic – hey at least I knew I was hydrated! Now I could enjoy the rest of the race! The majority of this race  was on a gradual uphill, so I was very happy I drove the course the night before with Mr. Zucchini Runner to gain that realization! That way, when things got hard or seemed harder than normal, I knew it wasn’t just in my head. 🙂

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Right around mile 6 my friends Tom and Sarah were waiting with their little dog Ella to cheer me on! It was so nice to see them out on the course. It was perfect timing, since the uphill was about to get a bit harder. I was feeling really good so far, and wanted to keep it that way! Around mile 7 I started to feel sluggish, and knew the big hill was coming at mile 9. I pulled out two of my coconut oil stuffed dates and munched on them while trying to run and breathe. They tasted SO good!! By far, a good fuel source for a long run. Once the course turned south, I felt like we were going downhill, and that things got a little easier. Turns out it was just the power of the mind and the fuel I had consumed – as you can see above ^^^^^^ it was still uphill. Just before the BIG uphill, there was a huge balloon arch and drum band playing, getting you ready for the pain and suffering that was about to come.


Once I turned onto the hill, there were cheerleaders and football teams cheering you on – I couldn’t help but feel energized. I plowed up that hill and was happy to make the hairpin turn back down… at this point I knew it was all downhill. Yay!

Or maybe not.

My foot started to really hurt – that darn plantar fasciitis that has literally HAUNTED me for roughly 2 years!! Just when I was starting to get annoyed with the foot pain, I realized the rest of my body was doing really well. I wasn’t pushing too hard, and I was still enjoying the race. Before I knew it, I was pushing to the finish with a fellow runner named John, who had chatted me up at mile 5 regarding my Zucchini Runner shirt. It was fun to have someone to push to the finish with – thanks John! Below are my official race stats (it says unofficial, but they are final). haha


You can see the restroom break really affected my pace in the first 5k! Between the 6.2-10 mile range I was eating my dates and climbing that huge hill. 🙂

As always, the Rock ‘n’ Roll series provided an amazing medal. I’m so happy I decided to run this race, despite having a painful foot and minimal training. All of my P90X3 workouts must be doing something to keep me in decent running shape! 🙂 There will be a WHOLE other post on those shortly, but for now just know I’m REALLY enjoying them and really seeing some positive changes in my overall strength and core. You can follow me on Facebook to see the progress.


After the race, I cheered on some friends who were completing the full marathon. It was SUCH a crazy experience to be at the marathon finish and NOT be running in it myself! It had me thinking about my upcoming Phoenix Marathon at the beginning of March… I sure hope my foot hangs in until then!

Well that’s enough race talk, let’s talk about AFTER the race when I finally got home, was STARVING and made these amazing burgers. They were SUPER easy and very tasty!!


You’ll need:

1 can black beans, drained and rinsed
1 c. fresh, cubed butternut squash (heat in a bowl in the microwave with some water and 1 tsp. coconut oil; cover with a paper towel; I used my microwave’s Sensor Cook settings. You just want it soft.)
1/2 sm. brown onion, chopped
2-3 cloves fresh garlic
1 tbsp. dried parsley
1 tsp. cumin
1/4 tsp. Himalayan pink salt
1 tbsp chia + 3 tbsp water (let set for 5 min. in a small cup or ramekin)

1/3 c. oat flour
1/3 c. garbanzo bean flour
3 tbsp. tapioca flour

Heat a griddle to 375° so it’s ready to go by the time you are done forming your patties. You want to give the burgers a good sear to prevent sticking!

Combine all ingredients, minus the flours in your food processor and pulse until well combined; leave some small chunks remaining. If you make it too smooth, they will be a sticky mess! Remove the mixture from the processor and place into a large bowl. (At this time, spray the heating griddle with coconut oil.) Add the flour to the mixture and mash with freshly washed, undried, clean hands (this will help with the sticking a bit). Once all the flour is incorporated, form into 1/3 cup patties, and drop directly onto the hot, oiled griddle. Cook for about 10-12 minutes, flipping a couple times during cooking. Serve with your favorite toppings and side! We did homemade fries as our side, with fresh spinach, tomato, pickle and mustard on the burgers. So GOOD!